Cat. 1, panel 3;Marble,
158 x 80 x 35 cm
Herakles at the Court of King Aleos at Tegea.
Eracle alla corte del re Aleo a Tegea |
Cat. 2-3 panel 5-6;Marble,
158 x 80 x 35 cm
Craftsmen building the boat in which Auge is cast out to sea.
Carpentieri costruiscono un'arca per abbandonare Auge in mare |
Cat. 3, panel 6;Marble,
158 x 80 x 35 cm
Craftsmen building the boat in which Auge is cast out to sea.
Carpentieri costruiscono un'arca per abbandonare Auge in mare |
Cat. 4, panel 10;Marble,
158 x 80 x 35 cm
King Teuthras of Mysia finds Auge on the shore.
Il re Teutrante trova Auge sulla spiaggia |
Cat. 5, panel 12;Marble,
158 x 80 x 35 cm
Telephos, in the Parthenion mountains, is discovered and rescued
by Herakles.
Eracle trova il figlio Telefo |
Cat. 6, panel 16;Marble,
158 x 80 x 35 cm
Telephos receives weapons from Auge with which he fights Teuthras's
Telefo riceve le armi da Auge |
Cat. 7, panel 20;Marble,
158 x 80 x 35 cm
King Teuthras offers Auge to Telephos in marriage.
Teutrante dà Auge in moglie a Telefo |
Cat. 8, panel 25;Marble,
158 x 80 x 35 cm
The battle by the river Kaikos. Mysians in battle against the Greeks
(Argives).Two scythian warriors are slain in the battle.
Battaglia del fiume Caico |
Cat. 9, panel 31;Marble,
158 x 80 x 35 cm
Dionysos takes action in the fighting.
Dioniso interviene nel combattimento |
Cat. 10, panel 38;Marble,
158 x 80 x 35 cm
Telephos arrives at Argos.
Telefo giunge presso gli Argivi |
Cat. 11, panel 42;Marble,
158 x 80 x 35 cm
Telephos threatens the infant Orestes at Agamemnon's Altar. |
Cat. 12, panel 51;Marble,
158 x 80 x 35 cm
The ceremonial funeral of amazone Hiera.
Hiera caduta in battaglia viena composta sul letto di morte |