Exhibition at Fondazione Memmo/Palazo Ruspoli in Rome
from 5 October 1996 through 15 January 1997

The Telephos Frieze

The Telephos was the mythic fouder of Pergamon, one of the most beutifull cities of hellenistic age. Some scenes which describe Telephos' adventures could be seen at Palazo Ruspoli. Originaly 22 centuries ago they were placed along the perimeter of inner walls of the Zeus Altar at Pergamum.
Herakles Carpenters build the boat in which Auge... Build the boat in which Auge is cast out to sea. King Teuthras find Auge on the shore
Cat. 1, panel 3;Marble, 158 x 80 x 35 cm
Herakles at the Court of King Aleos at Tegea. 

Eracle alla corte del re Aleo a Tegea

Cat. 2-3 panel 5-6;Marble, 158 x 80 x 35 cm
Craftsmen building the boat in which Auge is cast out to sea. 

Carpentieri costruiscono un'arca per abbandonare Auge in mare

Cat. 3, panel 6;Marble, 158 x 80 x 35 cm
Craftsmen building the boat in which Auge is cast out to sea. 

Carpentieri costruiscono un'arca per abbandonare Auge in mare

Cat. 4, panel 10;Marble, 158 x 80 x 35 cm
King Teuthras of Mysia finds Auge on the shore. 

Il re Teutrante trova Auge sulla spiaggia

Herakles discovers his son telephos Telephos receives Arms from Auge Teuthras gives Auge to Telephos in Marriage Two Scythian warriors are slain in the battle by the River Kalkos. 
Cat. 5, panel 12;Marble, 158 x 80 x 35 cm
Telephos, in the Parthenion mountains, is discovered and rescued by Herakles. 

Eracle trova il figlio Telefo

Cat. 6, panel 16;Marble, 158 x 80 x 35 cm
Telephos receives weapons from Auge with which he fights Teuthras's enemies. 

Telefo riceve le armi da Auge

Cat. 7, panel 20;Marble, 158 x 80 x 35 cm
King Teuthras offers Auge to Telephos in marriage. 

Teutrante dà Auge in moglie a Telefo

Cat. 8, panel 25;Marble, 158 x 80 x 35 cm
The battle by the river Kaikos. Mysians in battle against the Greeks (Argives).Two scythian warriors are slain in the battle. 

Battaglia del fiume Caico

Dionysus takes action in the fighting Telephos arrives at Argos Telephos threatens the infant Orestes at Agamemnon's Altar The ceremonial funeral of Hiera interrupts the fighting
Cat. 9, panel 31;Marble, 158 x 80 x 35 cm
Dionysos takes action in the fighting. 

Dioniso interviene nel combattimento

Cat. 10, panel 38;Marble, 158 x 80 x 35 cm
Telephos arrives at Argos. 

Telefo giunge presso gli Argivi

Cat. 11, panel 42;Marble, 158 x 80 x 35 cm
Telephos threatens the infant Orestes at Agamemnon's Altar.
Cat. 12, panel 51;Marble, 158 x 80 x 35 cm
The ceremonial funeral of amazone Hiera. 

Hiera caduta in battaglia viena composta sul letto di morte

Originaly Telephos frieze was composed of the sequnce of 52 panels, but only some scenes of the Telephos myth have been saved by German archeologs in the 19th century 
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