Then he went to Delphi, to consult Apollo concerning the success of
the war he had undertaken, and happening to come on one of the forbidden
days, when it was esteemed improper to give any answer from the oracle,
he sent messengers to desire the priestess to do her office; and when she
refused, on the plea of a law to the contrary, he went up himself, and
began to draw her by force into the temple, until tired and overcome with
his importunity, "My son," said she, "thou art invincible."
Alexander taking hold of what she spoke, declared he had received such
an answer as he wished for, and that it was needless to consult the god
any further. Among other prodigies that attended the departure of his army,
the image of Orpheus at Libethra, made of cypress-wood, was seen to sweat
in great abundance, to the discouragement of many. But Aristander told
him that, far from presaging any ill to him, it signified he should perform
acts so important and glorious as would make the poets and musicians of
future ages labour and sweat to describe and celebrate them.