Alexander as visits the Oracle of Ammon

Alexander during his campaign in Egipt visits the Oracle Temple of Ammon in Siwah, an oasis in the middle of the Sahara desert. The episode has been reported by D. Siculus, Q.C. Ruffus, Arrianus, Plutarch
Oracle proclaims Alexander the son of Deus, Quintus Curtius Rufus
(IV, 23,23)
...Id quod pro deo colitur, non eandem effigiem habet, quam vulgo diis artifices accommodaverunt. Umbilico maxime similis est habitus, zmaragdo et gemmis coagmentatus. Hunc, cum responsum petitur, navigo aurato gestant sacerdotes multis argenteis pateris ab utroque navigii latere pendentibus: sequuntur matrimonae virginesque, patrio more inconditum quoddam carmen canentes quo propritari Iovem credunt, ut certum edat oraculum.
... adiecit invictum fore , donec excederet ad deus. Sacrificio deinde facto, dona et sacerdotibus et deo data sunt, permissumque amicis, ut ipsi quoque consulerent Iovem: nihil amplius quaesirunt, quam en auctor esset sibi divinis honoribus colendi suum regem. Hoc quoque acceptum fore Iovi vates respondet.
my approximative translation from the latin text
(IV, 23,23)
...The object which is honoured as god, does not have the form which is usually by the artist atributed to the gods. It has the form very similar to the disc (remember Umbilico, Omfaloes from Delphi) composed of one smaragd and precious gemms. During the process of interogation, the priests put the disc to some kind of golden "ship" with the meny silver cups  pending on the cords attached to the imbarcation sides of the ship: it is followed in the some kind of procession by virgin sacerdotes, which were singing "carmen canentes" in order to induce Jupiter (or Iove, Ammon, Zeus, Deus, God) to give the right and certan answer to oracle.
Olympias and Python-Zeus, Quintus Curtius Rufus
Rufus reports a fantastic story, according to which Philip II of Macedon was aware of the fact that Zeus was the actual father of Alexander. The supreem Greek divinity frequently visited Olympias in the night in the form of a snake. Philip II found out about this by peeping through the keyhole while his wife had intercourse with Zeus. His voayerism was punished by causing him to lose the eye with which he watched Zeus's amorous scene with Olympias.
Alexander as Deus, Plutarch
(XXVI, 6) Callisthenes tells us, was that if any of the company went astray in the night, they never ceased croaking and making a noise till by that means they had brought them into the right way again. Having passed through the wilderness, they came to the place where the high priest, at the first salutation, bade Alexander welcome from his father Ammon. And being asked by him whether any of his father's murderers had escaped punishment, he charged him to speak with more respect, since his was not a mortal father. Then Alexander, changing his expression, desired to know of him if any of those who murdered Philip were yet unpunished, and further concerning dominion, whether the empire of the world was reserved for him? This, the god answered, he should obtain, and that Philip's death was fully revenged, which gave him so much satisfaction that he made splendid offerings to Jupiter, and gave the priests very rich presents. This is what most authors write concerning the oracles. But Alexander, in a letter to his mother, tells her there were some secret answers, which at his return he would communicate to her only.
Others say that the priest, desirous as a piece of courtesy to address him in Greek, "O Paidion," (oh my son) by a slip in pronunciation ended with the s instead of the n, and said "O Paidios,"or (O pai Dios=oh, son of Dios) which mistake Alexander was well enough pleased with, and it went for current that the oracle had called him so.
Among the sayings of one Psammon, a philosopher, whom he heard in Egypt, he most approved of this, that all men are governed by God, because in everything, that which is chief and commands is divine. But what he pronounced himself upon this subject was even more like a philosopher, for he said God was the common father of us all, but more particularly of the best of us. To the barbarians he carried himself very haughtily, as if he were fully persuaded of his divine birth and parentage; but to the Grecians more moderately, and with less affectation of divinity, except it were once in writing to the Athenians about Samos, when he tells them that he should not himself have bestowed upon them that free and glorious city; "You received it," he says, "from the bounty of him who at that time was called my lord and father," meaning Philip. However, afterwards being wounded with an arrow, and feeling much pain, he turned to those about him, and told them, "This, my friends, is real flowing blood, not Ichor-
"Such as immortal gods are wont to shed." And another time, when it thundered so much that everybody was afraid, and Anaxarchus, the sophist, asked him if he who was Jupiter's son could do anything like this, "Nay," said Alexander, laughing, "I have no desire to be formidable to my friends, as you would have me, who despised my table for being furnished with fish, and not with the heads of governors of provinces." For in fact it is related as true, that Anaxarchus, seeing a present of small fishes, which the king sent to Hephaestion, had used this expression, in a sort of irony, and disparagement of those who undergo vast labours and encounter great hazards in pursuit of magnificent objects which after all bring them little more pleasure or enjoyment than what others have. From what I have said upon this subject, it is apparent that Alexander in himself was not foolishly affected, or had the vanity to think himself really a god, but merely used his claims to divinity as a means of maintaining among other people the sense of his superiority.

Arrian reports
Olympias, claimed that Philip was not Alexander's father, but Zeus in the form of  a serpent. By coincidence a serpent is often identified with the god, Zeus Ammon.

 ... since the oracle of Ammon was said to be infallible, and to have been consulted among others by Perseus and Hercules..... Alexander, as he was descended from them both; and in addition, Alexander identified his mistic father as Ammon, just as the legends traced the origins of Hercules and Perseus to Zeus...

Send remarks or suggestions to: John J. Popovic