In History of India, I have few remarks to make:
In your web page:
In the article of Alexander's invasion of India and subsequent details,
I am writing below few details that are always omitted by the west due to obvious
These are:
Emperor Chandra Gupta Mouarya marched from Patna (Pataliputra) towards west
and attacked the Greek general Seleucus Nicator. He completely defeated Seleucus
Nicator one battle after another, and started to push him westward. Seleucus
Nicator was on the run. Fearful of losing his entire domain, Seleucus Nicator
made a peace offer in exchange of his daughter in marriage to emperor Chandra
Gupta Mouarya, and surrendered to him Afghanistan, Beluchistan, and all lands
east of Sindhu River. Emperor Chandra Gupta Mouarya accepted this offer and
made Greek general Seleucus Nicator his ally, and gave him 500 war elephants
as marriage dowry.
Seleucus Nicator was defeated by Chandra Gupta Mouarya and compelled to surrender to him.
Source: India, a short cultural history. By H.G. Rawlinson, Frederick Praeger Publishers (New York - Washington)
Why all of Alexander's generals refused to advanced further east:
(1) Greeks never saw war elephants before. War elephants at that time were equivalent of modern day battle tanks. Though Greek army won after a fierce battle against Puru, they were horrified to see the way their innumerable fellow Greeks, along with all their armaments, were stamped to death under the feet of elephants, or thrown away to death by the powerful elephant trunks. They never saw before these kinds of death scenes in their life.
(2) Puru was a tax paying king of the emperor. He was granted independent rule over Punjab in return for an annual tax to Pataliputra (Patna). Therefore Greeks became cautious: they dispatched informers to get further information about Mogodh Empire. Although Alexander immediately wanted to advance further east, he had to wait.
(3) When the generals learned form the spies and scouting parties about the enormous powerful Mogodh Army and its vast number of war elephants, they all simultaneously rejected Alexander's idea to advance further east. Specially the scene of so many of their beloved comrades' death under elephants' feet, and the scene of throwing them up in the sky along with all their armaments, and their death cry, their blood and mud all were still vivid in surviving soldiers' memory. Greeks were convinced that further advance would be suicidal. Panic stricken generals flatly disobeyed Alexander's order. No order, no threat, no promise for fabulous wealth, power, prestige, war booty, nothing could change their mind.
Seeing no other alternative, Alexander had to return back.
Would you please add these details in your article about India so that readers will know things in detail.
Thank you,